Sunday, February 22, 2015

Deadpool #39 Recap/Review: A friend indeed...

Deadpool #39 Recap/Review: A friend indeed...
      The White Skull, Wanda, and Doctor Doom stand together, ready to unleash another inversion spell on all those previously affected.  The White Skull hopes those who must be corrupted again can forgive themselves and those casting the spell.  Doom then declares it is done.
      Deadpool’s head sits in a pool of blood, where it is retrieved by a now restored Evan.  Evan takes Deadpool to his body and reattaches it to his head, while the two friends regretfully consider their actions while inverted.
      The police arrive, but the two are able to escape to the City of Monsters, which is ruled over by Deadpool’s wife – a demonic woman named Shiklah.  She is outraged at the presence of Apocalypse, citing an old feud between the villain, Dracula, and various monsters Apocalypse has fought over the centuries, though she is glad that her husband is at least back to normal.
      Shiklah’s mage has also managed to successfully use Deadpool’s organs to synthesise a cure for some friends of Deadpool who were experimented on with the North Korean government.  With a new cure, Deadpool’s friends are happy to stay in the city of monsters, where they feel at home.
      Deadpool takes Evan to the Morlock tunnels.  Not welcome anywhere, Deadpool takes Evan to his own home, where he is welcome to stay and have a home of his own.  In spite of all this, Deadpool still isn’t happy.  Imbalance has been restored to Deadpool’s life, and it seems that happiness is destined to always elude him.
      Hello and welcome to Comic Island!  My name is Arden, and this is my recap, and review of Deadpool #39.
      So, let’s talk a bit about Deadpool.  This is a fun character who I have always liked, but I do feel is started to be overly relied on by Marvel.  After all the tie ins, mini series, and full blown video game, I am getting a little sick of this character.
      It’s comics like these AXIS tie-ins that help remind me why I do like this character in the first place.  He’s not just good for some one-liners, but has a lot of depth to his suffering and how he relates to others.  This comics ending really reminded me of that, as it has almost a tragic feel to it.  Deadpool was so close to inner peace, only for it to be snatched away.  It was a sad moment in an otherwise fun tie-in, and one that kind of hit home for me.
      So I did enjoy this comic, and it felt like a nice way to cover the fallout of the AXIS event.  Deadpool played an important part in saving the world, and what he got in return was no recognition whatsoever coupled with a strong sense of loss.  For an ending to a tie-in like this, I do feel it was quite strong and wrapped up all the loose plot threads quite nicely, and it feels like a nice note to end the AXIS coverage on.
[Marvel Comic Book Reviews on Comic Island]
      That being said, I think this is all I’m going to review of Deadpool for now.  I don’t really want to deal with Deadpool’s wackiness on an ongoing basis as that will probably be too much for me and is likely to get stale fast, but maybe next time there is an interesting story arc or something, I’ll cover Deadpool again.  Until that time I am going to just focus on giving you guys the content you seem to enjoy the most.
      Other than that, I hope you enjoyed my review of Deadpool #39!  Let me know what you think in the comments section below.  Also, be sure to check out our website and Facebook page in the video description.  Now that the AXIS event is over, our website is the best place to get our complete reading list with my coverage of the event with all the tie in and prelude material as well, so it's definitely worth a visit.  And finally, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and keep reading comics!